The huge zip file contains software and data to compute the YORP torques using the analytical theory of Breiter, Vokrouhlicky and Nesvorny (2009) described in the BVN2009.pdf file. To avoid the "1 vs l" problem, we use "n" instead of index "l". Content: 1. shape.ank - this is a sample data file created by David Nesvorny. It contains the shape coefficients for complex, orthonormal spherical harmonics model of 1998 KY26 up to degree/order 100. In terms of symbols from the paper - Eqs. (2,5) - the first row contains 0 0 a/(\sigma_00) 0.0 Next rows contain degree n & order m & a*Re(f_{n,m}) & a*Im(f_{n,m}) 2. VN100.dat - coefficients $V_{l,m,j,q}$ as defined in Eq. (102). Required for the spin part: n & m & j & q & V_{n,m,j,q} 3. X100.dat, Y100.dat - coefficients $X_{n,m,j,q}$ and $Y_{n,m,j,q}$ from Eqs. (114) and (115) in the form n & m & j & q & X_{n,m,j,q} (or Y_{n,m,j,q}) 4. yoptions.txt - a sample input file for Pan_YORP. In this example it will include only the harmonics up to degree/order 75, account for the fact that shape.ank is given in [km], scale down the body to a=1e-4. The remaining data are physical parameters of the body. 5. Pan_YORP.for - the program that reads all the above data files Written in a rather comprehensible way - see the comments in the source. For any help about its use - send an e-mail to Poznan, 20 Nov. 2009