The primary purpose of the workshop is to try to develop collaborative
research activities between young scientists in the US and the former
eastern block countries. However, that can not be accomplished without
recognition of what is going on in celestial mechanics worldwide and
participation by other scientists.
Various aspects of theoretical and applied celestial mechanics will be
discussed in order to establish the current status and prospects of
future research in this branch of astronomy.
The expectation is that out of this workshop will come proposals for
research grants in celestial mechanics. So the plan is to have review
papers on selected subjects and contributed or poster papers on the
subjects, followed by discussion about future research on the subject.
The workshop comprises about 13 sessions with a review talk for each
topic and a limited number of contributed and poster papers.
The preliminary program includes topics on:
1. Chaos, Resonances & Stability
2. Kuiper Belt Objects
3. Satellites, Minor Planets, Comets, and Meteors
4. Orbit Uncertainty and Error Analysis for NEO and Artificial Satellites
5. Stellar and Galactic Dynamics
6. Drag and Atmospheric Modeling & Theory (Non-gravitational Force Modeling)
7. Numerical Methods, Parallel Processing, Ephemeris Generation
8. Satellite Constellation Dynamics and Control
9. Orbit and Attitude Dynamics
10. NEO and Debris Observations and Motions
11. Reference Systems for Astronomy and Astrodynamics
12. Exo-planetary systems
13. General perturbations methods
Invited papers are scheduled for 30 min, contributed papers for 20 min
and discussions for 30 min. For all oral presentations slide projector,
overhead projector, video player and multimedia projector will be
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