Have you seen those sites where they promise a useful version of Linux
on a single floppy or two floppies? They usually don't have many programs
or access to certain features either. I'll show you how to make a boot/root
disk that'll have almost everything that you are going to need or use.
First off, you need one or two clean, blank floppies, depending on how
much software you're going to put on your version of Linux. Basically your
version of Linux will just be a boot/root disk and maybe a utility disk.
If you don't know any of these terms, I suggest that you look at Chapter
2 of the Bootdisk-HOWTO before you start.
Now let's begin. Here are the basic steps to making your floppy-disk
version of Linux:
Compile a custom bare-bones kernel
Create a filesystem for your disk
Copy everything to your floppy(ies)
Compile the Kernel
Because the disk will only hold 1.44 megabytes (1440 kilobytes) of data,
you cannot just copy your original kernel to your floppy. First you get
the kernel sources and unpack them into /usr/src/linux. Then you issue
the following command while inside /usr/src/linux:
make config
While in the program, only set up what you really need. On mine I
only setup support for ex2, floppy disk support, and PPP support. Your
settings may be different depending on what you set up. Next enter the
following command:
make dep; make clean; make zImage
make zImage is very important! It compresses the finished
kernel. After the command finishes you should find the kernel in
/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot under the name zImage.
The Filesystem: Not Just Any Old Set of Files
Now we have to create the filesystem for the disk. Instead of
copying the stuff directly to the floppy, we are going to compress all
of the programs. This will make it slightly harder to modify anything
permanently. First, we issue the following command:
dd if=/dev/zero of=DEVICE bs=1k count=3000
Where DEVICE is the location on your hard drive where you are going
to keep the uncompressed filesystem. Next, enter the following command
and press Enter, replacing DEVICE with the location on your hard drive
where you are keeping the uncompressed filesystem:
mke2fs -m 0 DEVICE
If make2fs asks you if you really want to do this, say yes.
Then we have to mount the newly created filesystem. Since the new filesystem
is inside a regular file, the "loopback device" must be compiled in the
kernel to mount it. If your kernel (not the created kernel, but your
system kernel) do not have it, then recompile it. You have to say (Y)es
(or (M)odule) to the question:
Loopback device support (CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP) [M/n/y/?]
when configuring the kernel. Notice that you are recompiling YOUR
normal kernel, not the floppy kernel, so you have to include all the
drivers and utilities you already have. If you have compiled the loopback device
as a module do not forget to install it (modprobe loop).
mount -t ext2 DEVICE /mnt
If the mount program complains, try the following:
mount -o loop -t ext2 DEVICE /mnt
Now you have to copy all of the files that you need to your newly
created filesystem. First, cd to /mnt. Create the following
Let's take care of the files in /dev by typing the following:
cp -dpR /dev /mnt/dev
If you run out of inodes, go to /mnt/dev and delete the device
files that you don't need. Having completed copying the files
necessary for /dev, let's move on to /etc. To be safe, copy all of the
files from /etc to /mnt:
cp -dpR /etc /mnt/etc
Then copy everything in the /lib directory to /mnt:
cp -dpR /lib /mnt/lib
For /bin, copy only the things that you think you need to /mnt.
Copying Everything to Your Floppy
Now we have to copy everything to your floppy(ies). To do this, we
now must compress your filesystem by typing the following commands:
cd /
umount /mnt
dd if=DEVICE bs=1k | gzip -9 > rootfs.gz
Now it's important to check the size of the kernel. Go to
/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot and issue the command ls -l. Then you
have to divide 1024 into the size of the kernel. For example, if the
size of my kernel is 250000 bytes, then it is 245 KB. Use the total
number of kilobytes that you figured out earlier where any command
says ROOTBEGIN. Now copy the kernel to the floppy using the following
dd if=zImage of=/dev/fd0
This command will put the kernel onto the floppy. Next enter the
following command to tell the kernel to find the root filesystem on
the floppy:
rdev /dev/fd0 /dev/fd0
Now you'll have to do a little calculating in hex. Add 4000 to the
hex equivalent of ROOTBEGIN (which is F5 in this example). Convert the
answer into decimal form and type the following command, replacing
16629 with your answer you got:
rdev -r /dev/fd0 16629
Finally, issue the following command to copy the filesystem to your
dd if=rootfs.gz of=/dev/fd0 bs=1k seek=ROOTBEGIN
The root filesystem will be copied to your floppy right after the
kernel. Then you're done! For the second floppy, the process is
easier. You just copy the files that you want onto the
floppy. However, in order to be able to use the files that are on the
second disk, you'll have to enter the following after booting with the
mount /dev/fd0 /usr
One final note: if you do a little fiddling around, you can probably
be able to make a version that you can release to the public as a
seperate "distribution" of Linux. Just a thought :)